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Internet ToolsMozilla Thunderbird v128.3.3 ESR (Nebula)

Mozilla Thunderbird v128.3.3 ESR (Nebula)

Mozilla Thunderbird v128.3.3 ESR  (Nebula)

File Size: 63.35 MiB | Languages: English, Deutsch, Español, Italiano, Português, Français, ...

Thunderbird Nebula is Mozilla's next generation e-mail client, incl. calendar/organizer and contacts/address book.
Thunderbird 128 Nebula is the successor to Thunderbird 115 Supernova.
Thunderbird makes e-mailing safer, faster, and easier than ever before with the industry's best implementations of features such as intelligent spam filters, a built-in spell checker, extension/add-on support, and much more.
ESR = Extended Support Release

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Internet ToolsBetterbird v128.3.3 ESR (128.3.3esr-bb14)

Betterbird v128.3.3 ESR (128.3.3esr-bb14)

Betterbird v128.3.3 ESR  (128.3.3esr-bb14)

File Size: 61.12 MiB | 64-bit | Language: English

Betterbird 128 is the next generation e-mail client, incl. calendar/organizer and contacts/address book.
Betterbird 128 is the successor to Betterbird 115.
Betterbird is a fine-tuned version of Mozilla Thunderbird.
than Thunderbird.
ESR = Extended Support Release

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Internet ToolsHFS HTTP File Server (version 3) 0.53.2

HFS: HTTP File Server (version 3) 0.53.2

HFS HTTP File Server (version 3)  0.53.2

File Size : 19.2 Mb

HFS is a HTTP file server that allows you to share files on the Internet fast and easy, allowing clients to download them via a clean and simple website.The application basically turns your computer into a HTTP server and all users who wish to connect and download files can do that by loading a simple webpage in their browser.

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Internet ToolsChrisPC Anonymous Proxy Pro 9.24.0308 Multilingual

ChrisPC Anonymous Proxy Pro 9.24.0308 Multilingual

ChrisPC Anonymous Proxy Pro 9.24.0308  Multilingual

File size: 7.0 MB

ChrisPC Anonymous Proxy Pro is the privacy tool that anybody would need to use to protect their online experience. Browsing, buying online, watching online TV channels or reading online newspapers are part of our daily life. What is important to know is that when we connect to the Internet we are exposed, our buying/browsing habits and our confidential data are at risk.

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Internet ToolsNetBalancer Multilingual

NetBalancer Multilingual

NetBalancer  Multilingual

File size: 37 MB

NetBalancer is a Windows application for local network traffic control and monitoring. Browse and do any internet activity comfortably on your PC even when your download manager or torrent client downloads huge files from internet - just lower their network priority with NetBalancer.

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Internet ToolsVovSoft Network Alarmer 5.0

VovSoft Network Alarmer 5.0

VovSoft Network Alarmer  5.0

File size: 6.0 MB

Network Alarmer is a lightweight software created to offer you the ability of verifying the availability of various network devices by checking their IP address and warning you through an email message or a phone call, when something goes off course. Network Alarmer is also able to check the state of the Air Conditioning machines through the user-defined IP, supporting multiple devices at once.

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Internet ToolsTor Browser 14.0

Tor Browser 14.0

Tor Browser  14.0

File Size : 104 Mb

Tor is a toolset for a wide range of organizations and people that want to improve their safety and security on the Internet. Using Tor can help you anonymize web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, SSH, and other applications that use the TCP protocol. Tor also provides a platform on which software developers can build new applications with built-in anonymity, safety, and privacy features. The Tor Browser Bundle lets you use Tor on Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux without needing to install any software. It can run off a USB flash drive, comes with a pre-configured web browser to protect your anonymity, and is self-contained.

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Internet ToolsTopoGrafix ExpertGPS 8.92

TopoGrafix ExpertGPS 8.92

TopoGrafix ExpertGPS  8.92

File Size: 22.2 MB

ExpertGPS is the ultimate GPS map software for planning outdoor adventures. View GPS waypoints and tracklogs from any handheld GPS receiver over aerial photos and US topographic maps. Plan your next outdoor adventure over scanned USGS topo maps and send a route directly to your GPS receiver to guide you in the field. View your GPS tracklog over an aerial photo to see exactly where you went.

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Internet ToolsSenderMatic emailer Enterprise 3.1.4822

SenderMatic emailer Enterprise 3.1.4822

SenderMatic emailer Enterprise  3.1.4822

File size: 56.9 MB

Sending bulk emails can usually lead to your address being blacklisted since your messages might be confused with spam content.

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Internet ToolsProxima FontExpert 2025 20.0 Release 1 Multilingual

Proxima FontExpert 2025 20.0 Release 1 Multilingual

Proxima FontExpert 2025 20.0 Release 1  Multilingual

Windows x64 | File size: 20.14 MB

Install new fonts and organize existing ones, correct errors and eliminate duplicates with the help of this easy to use application. If you are often required to work with fonts, then a good manager for all the entries might be quite useful to have around. FontExpert is a nice tool that was built to make the task of picking a fond easier.

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