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For MacOSXSteinberg SpectraLayers Pro 11.0.50 macOS

Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 11.0.50 macOS

Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 11.0.50  macOS

File size: 1.6 GB

SpectraLayers delivers audio empowerment by showing sounds as visual objects. You can explore, reach in, take and transform, working wonders on tasks ranging from repairing and restoring audio to freeform sound design. Unmatched selection tools developed over many years are now joined by new artificial intelligence-driven audio extraction and repair processes, making this the most significant version of SpectraLayers yet.

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For MacOSXSponsorBlock for YouTube 5.10.2 macOS

SponsorBlock for YouTube 5.10.2 macOS

SponsorBlock for YouTube 5.10.2  macOS

File size: 5 MB

SponsorBlock lets you skip over sponsors, intros, outros, subscription reminders, and other annoying parts of YouTube videos. SponsorBlock is a crowdsourced browser extension that let's anyone submit the start and end time's of sponsored segments and other segments of YouTube videos.

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For MacOSXSlidepad 1.5.2 macOS

Slidepad 1.5.2 macOS

Slidepad 1.5.2  macOS

File size: 8 MB

An iPad style slide over window for your web apps. No more hassle of window switching. Unlike other similar apps, there is no limit on what can be placed on Slidepad. You can type any keywords, URLs like what you do in common browsers!

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For MacOSXScrivener 3.4.0 macOS

Scrivener 3.4.0 macOS

Scrivener 3.4.0  macOS

Language: Multilingual | File size: 128 MB

Scrivener is the go-to app for writers of all kinds, used every day by best-selling novelists, screenwriters, non-fiction writers, students, academics, lawyers, journalists, translators and more. Scrivener won't tell you how to write—it simply provides everything you need to start writing and keep writing.

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For MacOSXScreen Wonders 3.2.0 macOS

Screen Wonders 3.2.0 macOS

Screen Wonders 3.2.0  macOS

Language: Multilingual | File size: 318 MB

If you're tired of the motionless pictures on your desktop, if you're ready to welcome the magic of various places around the world and even parallel universes, we have gathered the best live wallpapers in this app! The variety of themes, seasons, and festive scenes are sure to appeal to you.

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For MacOSXRichardson Software RazorSQL 10.6.4 macOS

Richardson Software RazorSQL 10.6.4 macOS

Richardson Software RazorSQL 10.6.4  macOS

File size: 328.1 MB

RazorSQL is an SQL query tool, database browser, SQL editor, and database administration tool for Windows, macOS, Mac OS X, Linux, and Solaris.

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For MacOSXQLab Pro 5.4.9 macOS

QLab Pro 5.4.9 macOS

QLab Pro 5.4.9  macOS

File size: 39 MB

QLab provides live show control for your Mac. Create media designs for theatre, dance, composition, installation, and more. Play back audio, video, and MIDI from a single workspace.

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For MacOSXPowerPhotos 2.7.0 macOS

PowerPhotos 2.7.0 macOS

PowerPhotos 2.7.0  macOS

File size: 34 MB

PowerPhotos allows you to break up your Photos.app images among multiple Photos libraries, rather than having to store all of them in one giant library. You can easily switch between libraries, or just browse the photos in your libraries directly from PowerPhotos, without having to open each library in Photos.

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For MacOSXPlugin Alliance Unfiltered Audio Battalion 1.0.7 macOS

Plugin Alliance Unfiltered Audio Battalion 1.0.7 macOS

Plugin Alliance Unfiltered Audio Battalion 1.0.7  macOS

File size: 518.00 MB

Sonic pioneers Unfiltered Audio are back with Battalion, an unparalleled auditory experience marrying the timeless tonalities of classic synths with the sampling capabilities of modern drum machines. Battalion's hybrid design integrates state-of-the-art sampling with deep synthesis capabilities. Traverse sonic landscapes beyond expectation.

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For MacOSXPermute 3.11.17 macOS

Permute 3.11.17 macOS

Permute 3.11.17  macOS

Language: Multilingual | File size: 81 MB

Video, audio and image files come in many different kinds and shapes, but sometimes you need a specific format since your iPad or DVD player won't play that video. That is what Permute is for - easily convert your media files to various different formats.

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