Movies / Documentary →PBS Odyssey - The Chaco Legacy (1980)
Published by: Minhchick on 1-09-2021, 20:54 | 0
PBS Odyssey - The Chaco Legacy (1980)
English | Size: 887 MB
Category: Documentary
Explore the richness and diversity of past and present cultures with PBS's acclaimed anthropology series ODYSSEY. Go into the field with the anthropologists and archaeologists to unearth the customs and traditions of man, past and present. A long-time favorite of students and teachers, ODYSSEY makes history, science and anthropology come to life.
THE CHACO LEGACY takes you back 900 years to uncover the puzzling sophistication and technological genius of the Chaco Canyon inhabitants. How did this civilization build such complex and comprehensive projects like a network of roads connecting 70 outlying communities, an extensive water control system and several mammoth structures, including the 800-room Pueblo Bonito? New archaeological techniques lead scientists and anthropologists to believe the Chaco civilization was an ingenious technological society that subsequently collapsed because of the gradual depletion of their resource bases.
Written, Produced and Directed by Graham Chedd; Produced by Public Broadcasting Associates, 1980
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