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System ToolsSquirrels AirParrot

Squirrels AirParrot
Languages: English | File Size: 71.52 MB | 73.98 MB

Wirelessly mirror your screen or stream media files to a variety of receivers.

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System ToolsDropbox 109.4.517

Dropbox 109.4.517
File Size: 143 MB

Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring all your videos, photos and docs anywhere and share them easily.

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System ToolsLaunchBox Premium with Big Box v11.7

LaunchBox Premium with Big Box v11.7
x64 | File Size: 246 MB

LaunchBox is a gaming frontend originally built for DOS.

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System ToolsTinyWall 3.0.10

TinyWall 3.0.10
File Size : 1.4 Mb

TinyWall is a free software to harden and control the advanced firewall built into modern Windows systems.

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System ToolsHard Disk Sentinel Pro 5.61.11 Beta Multilingual

Hard Disk Sentinel Pro 5.61.11 Beta Multilingual
File size: 34.3 MB

Hard Disk Sentinel is a multi-OS hard disk drive monitoring application.

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System ToolsProxifier 4.03

Proxifier 4.03
File size: 5.5 MB

The Most Advanced Proxy Client.

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System ToolsDVR Examiner 2.9.2

DVR Examiner 2.9.2
File Size: 220 MB

DVR Examiner is a software solution for the recovery of video and metadata from DVR surveillance systems in a forensically sound manner.

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System ToolsSun Moon Calendar Multilingual

Sun Moon Calendar Multilingual
File size: 4.8 MB

The Program calculates the sets, rises and phases of the sun and moon.

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System ToolsMacrium Reflect Server Plus 7.3.5321 WINPE (x64)

Macrium Reflect Server Plus 7.3.5321 WINPE (x64)
x64 | File Size: 445 MB

Macrium Reflect Our image based backup and disaster recovery solutions have taken another big step forward in speed, simplicity and power.

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System ToolsDrive SnapShot

Drive SnapShot
File size: 5.9 MB

Drive Snapshot creates an exact Disk Image of your system into a file, including the operating system, installed programs, your data and all security attributes - while windows is running and you continue to work.

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