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E-Books[biographical] Seeing Further by Esther Kinsky

[biographical] Seeing Further by Esther Kinsky

[biographical] Seeing Further by Esther Kinsky | 4.87 MB

Title: Seeing Further
Author: Esther Kinsky

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E-Books[fiction] Every Arc Bends Its Radian by Sergio De La Pava

[fiction] Every Arc Bends Its Radian by Sergio De La Pava

[fiction] Every Arc Bends Its Radian by Sergio De La Pava | 6.5 MB

Title: Every Arc Bends Its Radian
Author: Sergio De La Pava

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E-Books[food] The Ultimate Shawarma Cookbook by Gilbert CA

[food] The Ultimate Shawarma Cookbook by Gilbert CA

[food] The Ultimate Shawarma Cookbook by Gilbert CA | 11.19 MB

Title: The Ultimate Shawarma Cookbook 50 Creative Takes on the Beloved Middle Eastern Classic
Author: C A Gilbert

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E-BooksNageswaran G Metal-Organic Framework Derived Materials Design Strategies 2025

Nageswaran G  Metal-Organic Framework Derived Materials  Design Strategies  2025

Nageswaran G Metal-Organic Framework Derived Materials Design Strategies 2025 | 17.39 MB

Title: Metal–Organic Framework Derived Materials: Design Strategies and Applications
Author: Gomathi Nageswaran, Varsha M V, Arun Kumar Rajasekaran and M Shashank Rao

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E-BooksPerelomov A , Zeldovich Y Quantum Mechanics Selected Topics 1998

Perelomov A , Zeldovich Y  Quantum Mechanics  Selected Topics 1998

Perelomov A , Zeldovich Y Quantum Mechanics Selected Topics 1998 | 12.56 MB

Title: N/A
Author: N/A

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E-BooksTong P Finite Element Method Basic Technique and Implementation 2008

Tong P  Finite Element Method  Basic Technique and Implementation 2008

Tong P Finite Element Method Basic Technique and Implementation 2008 | 450.63 MB

Title: An introductory guide to finite element analysis
Author: Becker, A. A. (Adib A.)

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E-BooksGoethert B Transonic Wind Tunnel Testing 2007

Goethert B  Transonic Wind Tunnel Testing 2007

Goethert B Transonic Wind Tunnel Testing 2007 | 80.97 MB

Title: Transonic wind tunnel testing
Author: Goethert, B. H

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E-BooksBuckingham E Analytical Mechanics of Gears 2011

Buckingham E  Analytical Mechanics of Gears 2011

Buckingham E Analytical Mechanics of Gears 2011 | 60.55 MB

Title: N/A
Author: N/A

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E-BooksRajest S Advancing Intelligent Networks Through Distributed Optimization 2024

Rajest S  Advancing Intelligent Networks Through Distributed Optimization 2024

Rajest S Advancing Intelligent Networks Through Distributed Optimization 2024 | 8.26 MB

Title: N/A
Author: N/A

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E-BooksStroh P Plant Atlas 2020 Mapping Changes in the Distribution Flora 2023

Stroh P  Plant Atlas 2020  Mapping Changes in the Distribution   Flora 2023

Stroh P Plant Atlas 2020 Mapping Changes in the Distribution Flora 2023 | 698.87 MB

Title: Plant Atlas 2020
Author: P. A. Stroh

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