Software / Graphics & Design →CAMWorks 2020 SP1 for Solid Edge
Published by: voska89 on 2-10-2020, 18:06 | 0

CAMWorks 2020 SP1 for Solid Edge | 1.2 Gb
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GeometricPLM is pleased to announce the availability of CAMWorks 2020 SP1 for Solid Edge is the premier fully integrated CAM system with all the modern features and functiona lity needed to boost machining efficiencies and maximizing shop productivity.
1. CW-102857 CSR-14152 UIF If the Windows regional settings are tweaked to allow the use of commas instead of the decimal point, then the Tool Selection Filter functionality in CAMWorks For Solid Edge does not work.
2. CW-101563 CSR-13648 UIF In German language version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the icon for "Coordinate System" command on CAMWorks Ribbon bar is missing.
3. CW-101208 CSR-13020 Feature For the specific assembly incorrect depth is observed for the automatically recognized hole features. This happens when the "Extend holes to stock" is set to On.
4. CW-101149 CSR-13492 UIF When the 3D simulation is executed in CAMWorks For Solid Edge then, the user defined tool holder displays incorrect geometry display in the 3D simulation.
5. CW-100898 CSR-13195 Feature A crash is seen in CAMWorks For Solid Edge when th open profile feature is edited in the specific assembly.
6. CW-100527 CSR-13321 Toolpath When the toolpath of a thread mill operation with method set to Automatic is regenerated in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2020 then, an additional pass is created.
7. CW-100417 CSR-13261 Machine Simulation In CAMWorks Virtual Machine, when the controller type is set to Hass then, the X and Y positions of the additional coordinate system are incorrectly displayed.
8. CW-100040 CSR-13160 TechDB In TechDB, under Assembly tool crib the comment of Rolling tap is incorrectly displayed for Cutting tap.
9. CW-100002 CSR-13128 Toolpath For the specific Mill assembly, the toolpath generated for rough mill operation with pattern type set to offset roughing on an open pocket feature gouges the island.
10. CW-99567 CSR-12959 TechDB Unable to Update Stock Material Data from MES database with SQL Server.
11. CW-99518 CSR-13005 Translation In German language version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the command names in the CAMWorks NC Editor tab are incorrectly translated and interchanged.
12. CW-99437 CSR-12707 Feature In Mill assemblies when the option of "Extend holes to the stock" is set to true then, the recognized hole features are incorrectly extended in the opposite direction.
13. CW-99355 CSR-12933 Post If the Mill part setup has only Probing operations then, upon post processing the variable of "TLP_FEAT_SETUP_NAME" doesn't output the name of the Mill Part setup in the posted code.
14. CW-99337 CSR-12937 Feature User is unable to create a linear pattern of features by selecting edges along Z axis.
15. CW-99135 CSR-12846 CSR-12789 Operation In Turn mode, the functionality to automatically set the spindle rotation direction(CW/CCW) based on hand of cut, feature being machined, and spindle being used is functioning incorrectly and needs to be improved.
16. CW-99191 CSR-12867 Operation When a tool is copied in the tool tree tab then the operations associated with it are also copied along with the tool.
17. CW-98844 CSR-12770 Translation In Czech language version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the labels "Insert ID" and "Holder ID" of Turn tool assemblies is translated incorrectly in TechDB.
18. CW-98794 CSR-12740 Operation For the specific part a crash is seen in CAMWorks For Solid Edge when generate toolpath is done on a contour mill having an avoid area.
19. CW-98699 CSR-12665 Machine Simulation When the active license doesn't include a 5 axis module then, incorrect display is seen in CAMWorks Virtual Machine if the rotary axis angle of a setup is manually overridden.
20. CW-98659 CSR-12620 Feature For the specific part significant time is taken to create a circular pocket interactively.
21. CW-98533 CSR-12599 TechDB In TechDB user cannot set the value of more than 90 degrees for all the leadin/leadout angles of the Turn operations.
22. CW-98525 CSR-12342 TechDB Whenever a mill tool is copied and, the diameter of the new tool is modified then, the value set for cutting speed (SMM/SFM) is not automatically updated as per the new value of diameter.
23. CW-98507 CSR-12515 Toolpath For the specific assembly, when fixtures are defined in the Mill Part Setup then, the toolpath for Contour Mill operation with bottom finish set to On is incorrectly generated.
24. CW-98434 CSR-12514 TechDB For a customized TechDB, the user is unable to add operation parameters for a default Probe operation.
25. CW-98387 CSR-12482 Post In Mill Turn, for operations of face setups the value set for "Maximum Arc Deviation" is incorrectly output.
26. CW-98357 CSR-12421 Post For the specific Mill part, in Multiaxis Mill operation, when the value of "Angle tolerance" under "Pole handling" is set to 10 degrees then, CAMWorks For Solid Edge crashes when the operation is post processed.
27. CW-98321 CSR-12461 Post The value of "IS_PATTERN_FEATURE" is always set to 0 when, the toolpath for the pattern of an automatically recognized feature. However, the value is set to 1 in case if the feature is interactively inserted.
28. CW-98294 CSR-12386 TechDB For taper End Mill tools, when the cutting speed (SMM) value is modified then, the values calculated for RPM and other feedrates are incorrect.
29. CW-98209 CSR-12362 System For the specific assembly file, when the user enables or disables instances in the Active Instances dialog box then Solid Edge crashes.
30. CW-98167 CSR-12299 Translation In German language version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the string "Probing" is incorrectly translated.
31. CW-98164 CSR-12182 System For the specific part, after sorting the operations the user is unable to save the part file and all the CAM data is lost.
32. CW-98114 CSR-12296 Feature For a Wrap feature when Fixture Coordinate system is changed then error message stating "Unable to generate toolpath for wrapped feature" is displayed
33. CW-98108 CW-97109 CW-95149 CSR-12295 CSR-11733 Beta Toolpath The leadin/out points defined for a Contour Mill operation cannot be edited if the operation machines multiple curve features with chamfer machining option set to On.
34. CW-98107 CSR-12286 Toolpath For the specific Mill part, when spring passes are applied to Thread Mill operation, then extra spring passes are generated in the Z direction with wrong depth.
35. CW-98079 CSR-12269 Simulation For the specific part an error is seen while simulating the multi axis toolpath.
36. CW-98074 CSR-12260 UIF In Czech language version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the labels "Deep groove cycle" and "Mirror about centerline" are aligned incorrectly in groove rough tab of operation parameters dialog box.
37. CW-98073 CSR-12259 Translation In Czech language version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the strings "Covert to face feature" and "Convert to cutoff feature" are incorrectly translated.
38. CW-98028 CSR-12178 TechDB In TechDB the user is unable to set User Defined Turn Insert for threading operations.
39. CW-97895 CSR-12145 UIF In General tab of CAMWorks option dialog box, the Auto save function does not work even though if user sets it to 'System default'.
40. CW-97884 CSR-12157 Toolpath With the specific part, a crash is seen in Solid Edge when a Rough Mill toolpath with pattern type set to "Zig" and tool type set to tapered ball nose is generated with on a Rectangular Pocket feature.
41. CW-97774 CSR-12095 Feature For the Assembly file, when "Rebuild" is performed then Solid Edge crashes.
42. CW-97712 CSR-10156 CSR-11158 CSR-8316 Toolpath The toolpaths generated for Thread Mill operations with Conventional Milling and thread passes are incorrect. For all spring passses from the second one onwards, the toolpaths are offset in Z direction by a thread pitch.
43. CW-97684 CSR-10156 CSR-11158 CSR-8316 Toolpath The toolpaths generated for Thread Mill operations when Leadin/Leadout Method is set to 'Auto', the leadin and leadout generated for all passes from second pass onwards are incorrect. No linear feed moves are observed before and after arcs for Cutter Compensation are observed for these passes.
44. CW-97683 CSR-12043 Machine Simulation In CAMWorks Virtual Machine, the spindle rotation is not seen if the commands of M03 and G234 are in the same line.
45. CW-97602 CSR-11981 Feature For the specific part, incorrect hole features are recognized when features are recognized after creating a Mill Part Setup.
46. CW-97582 CSR-11945 Translation In Spanish language version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the string "Tab cutting" is incorrectly translated in the Contour Mill tab of operation parameters dialog box.
47. CW-97576 CSR-11945 UIF In Spanish language version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the spin controls for the depth parameters function incorrectly when the check box of tab cutting is selected.
48. CW-97496 CSR-11940 TechDB In SQLite-based TechDB, for Roughing operations, the user is unable to modify the "Auto Correct" option for Entry Points in the Feature Options tab of Operations interface.
49. CW-97495 CSR-11916 Toolpath The cut direction of climb/conventional in a toolpath for Contour Mill operation on a curve feature is controlled by the order in which the segments have been selected. But, the cut direction should be independent of the selection order.
50. CW-97403 CSR-11873 CSR-11929 TechDB When TechDB of CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2019 is imported into CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2020 then, the values of parameters associated with Probe operation are incorrectly imported.
51. CW-97372 CSR-11876 Operation When Generate Operation Plan is selected after inserting new features then, the parameters of earlier created operations are changed along with the creation of new operations from TechDB. Under such circumstances only operations for new features should be created and existing operations shouldn't be affected.
52. CW-97370 CSR-11862 Translation In Czech language version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the translation of the units for the parameters 'Back Angle>' and 'Back Angle
53. CW-97315 CSR-11836 Translation In Czech language version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the translation for the names of the Mill Face feature, Turn Face feature and some of the Mill tools in TechDB is incorrect.
54. CW-97134 CW-95246 CSR-11800 CSR-9094 Simulation For the specific part the display of the coordinate system is incorrect during toolpath simulation. However, it is properly displayed during step through.
55. CW-97058 CSR-11671 UIF For the specific Turn Part, the display of the Turn tool holder is incorrect during step through and simulation.
56. CW-97050 Cw-87834 CSR-11741 CSR-9454 Toolpath For the specific Mill part, the toolpath generated for a Rough Mill operation with pattern type set to Volumill is generated at an incorrect location when the machining depth is overridden by the user.
57. CW-97032 CSR-11717 Post Correction required in NC code generated using Mill-Turn post processors. When doing X Plus only on Face Fixed in Mill-Turn mode, if SPINDLE_ORIENTATION = 0, then don't call CALC_OUTPUT_POLAR_SPINDLE_ORIENTATION.
58. CW-97028 CSR-11714 Assembly For the specific Assembly file, while switching from one configuration to another in the CAMWorks Feature tree, Solid Edge crash is observed.
59. CW-96999 CSR-11693 Translation In Czech language version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the names of some of the parameters associated with the Probing Operation interface need to be modified as they are incorrect.
60. CW-96945 45627 Help In the Help documentation for post variables associated with Probing functionality, the names of some of the variables are incorrect. The variables "probe_j_cycle_spec_dist_x" and "probe_k_cycle_spec_dist_x" need to be renamed to "probe_j_cycle_spec_dist_y" and "probe_k_cycle_spec_dist_z" respecitvely.
61. CW-96944 CSR-11661 System In the set up tab of Machine dialog box, when indexing limit is changed then the option "Update indexing angles for setups" updates angles of the existing Mill Part setup but, the orientation remains same.
62. CW-96913 CSR-11611 Post Do not allow posting of Probing operations if the post processor has the header of "If ALLOW_PROBING" set to false.
63. CW-96980 CSR-1702 Operation The toolpath generated for Drill operation on a group of Counter Bore hole features is incorrect as the user defined start and end point are considered only for the first instance and not for all other instances.
64. CW-96624 CSR-11187 Operation For specific mill parts, when rebuild is performed then, the machining depth of the Countersink operations for hole feature gets modified.
65. CW-96594 CSR-11481 UIF If user manually selects multiple operations in the Operations tree with the last operation selected being a probe operation, then the Post Process command is not available in the context menu.
66. CW-96588 CSR-11476 Toolpath For the specific part the retract move of the Turn Drill operation gouges the part.
67. CW-96586 --- Machine Simulation In CAMWorks Virtual Machine, the gang tools are displayed incorrectly.
68. CW-96567 CSR-11465 Simulation In simulation the thread mill tool assigned to a thread mill operation is displayed incorrectly.
69. CW-96537 CSR-10716 Machine Simulation In CAMWorks Virtual Machine with controller type set to Siemens, the depth simulated for drill operations is incorrect.
70. CW-96376 CSR-11400 System For the specific Mill Assembly user is unable to switch between configurations and retain the features and operations of the active configuration.
71. CW-96295 CSR-11371 Machine Simulation Simulation of Probing cycles must be supported on CAMWorks Virtual Machine.
72. CW-96032 CSR-11315 TechDB In TechDB the column width of Machines, Strategies and Tool cribs should be made equal.
73. CW-96027 CSR-11316 UIF When the stock for any Mill part is defined using a sketch, it is observed that length of the stock in X direction will always be the biggest number from the lengths defined in the three directions instead of following lengths as per the defined Coordinate System.
74. CW-95998 CSR-11187 Operation When the parameters of an operation having multiple features in it are updated (By doing Generated Operation Plan) then, the machining depth for all the features is reset to a common value.
75. CW-95995 CSR-11317 Toolpath For the specific Mill assembly, the toolpath generated for rough mill operation with pattern type set to Volumill on an open pocket feature gouges the island.
76. CW-95812 CW-95809 CSR-10773 TechDB When a customized TechDB is used in conjunction with CAMWorks For Solid Edge and a tool is added from the TechDB to the Tool tree then, incorrect values are populated for Tool ID, Tool material and Coolant type.
77. CW-95491 CSR-11138 TechDB When user attempts to define a Taper tool in the TechDB, the application doesn't allow the End Diameter (D1) of the tool to be less than the Shoulder Diameter value (D4).
78. CW-95248 CSR-11008 VoluMill When Rough Mill toolpath [with VoluMill pattern and Entry Method set to 'Pre-drilled Holes' in VoluMill Settings dialog box] is generated for grouped pocket features, then it is observed that the toolpath doesn't follow the entity at the entry points. However, VoluMill toolpath generates correctly if applied to individual pocket features.
79. CW-95177 CSR-11098 Machine Simulation Incorrect "Shoulder Diameter" value is passed from TechDB to CAMWorks Virtual Machine application.
80. CW-95176 CSR-11060 CSR-11108 UIF User must select the thread type and size twice in order to associate it with the active hole feature. It should be possible to set the required thread type with only one attempt.
81. CW-95172 44924 Translation In Polish version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the translation of the parameter "Effect Lead Angle" in Continuous B axis user interface is incorrect.
82. CW-95145 44893 Feature The number and location of the tabs set in a contour mill operation are not updated correctly when the feature is modified and CAMWorks data is rebuilt.
83. CW-95113 44868 Translation The translation for many of the parameters present in NC tab of Turn Operation Parameters dialog box is incorrect.
84. CW-95005 CSR-11073 Toolpath In rough mill operations with pattern type set to Volumill, an extra pass is generated if the machining depth of the feature is increased.
85. CW-94893 CSR-11035 Post Add two new post variables for passing info on 4th and 5th axis reverse directions (i.e. whether the Rotary and Tilt axis reverse checkbox in the Machine dialog box is checked or not).
86. CW-94631 44963 Translation In Polish language version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the translation for "Part bounding Box Vertex" and "Stock Bounding Box Vertex" in Fixture coordinate system tab is incomplete.
87. CW-94493 CSR-10888 Toolpath In Area Clearance operations with pattern type set to Volumill, the user defined entry points are ignored.
88. CW-94482 CSR-10901 TechDB In Czech language version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the strings "Use chamfer machining" and "Geometry condition" is incorrectly translated in the Contour tab of operation parameters dialog box.
89. CW-94193 CSR-10852 Operation In mill assembly mode, if the coordinate system used to define origin of a Mill Part Setup is renamed then, the origin is not updated with the new name.
90. CW-94111 CSR-10797 Simulation For the specific part an error is seen while simulating the Rough toolpath.
91. CW-93610 CSR-10731 TechDB For the specific customized TechDB, the hole thread mapping table displays empty fields for the parameters. This results in incorrect mapping of hole features in CAMWorks For Solid Edge.
92. CW-93581 CSR-10638 CSR-11271 Toolpath The incorrect display of the toolpath is observed for Contour Mill operation with CNC compensation set to On and Toolpath center to without compensation.
93. CW-93578 CSR-10706 TechDB When a tool is added in the Assembly tool crib with the "Combination ID" filter then, the first tool from the overall assembly list is selected instead of the first tool in the list of filtered tools.
94. CW-93544 CSR-10684 TechDB In Tooling section of TechDB, for drill tools, the Shoulder diameter value is not editable under 'Straight' shank. It remains unchanged when the 'D1' value is modified. Although this parameter is disabled, it must still display the correct updated value within its corresponding field.
95. CW-93234 CSR-10635 Toolpath While machining MS Hole features with rough mill operation with pattern type set to Volumill, a portion of the toolpath is deleted if a negative bottom allowance is given or if the machining depth is increased.
96. CW-93073 CSR-10631 Translation In French version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, for Turn/Mill-Turn mode, the translation of Main Spindle and Sub Spindle options for Spindle Origin parameter in Origin tab of Operation Setup Parameters dialog box is incorrect.
97. CW-92825 CW-83439 CSR-10562 CSR-6311 UIF For dual-screen setups, the Operation Parameters dialog box for Multiaxis Mill operations opens up only on the first screen unlike other Mill operations that open at the last screen position.
98. CW-92760 CSR-10589 Simulation For the specific Turn part model, when Simulation is run at low speeds (less than 30%), a warning message indicating collision between tool holder and stock is displayed. However, if Simulation is run at full speed (100%), then no warning message about collision is observed.
99. CW-92593 CSR-10578 Operation The values assigned as additional amount for leadin/out moves of Contour Mill operation in TechDB do not make any impact on the generated toolpath until the operation is edited and the toolpath is regenerated.
100. CW-92182 CSR-10479 Toolpath For the specific part the incorrect toolpath is generated for Rough Mill operation with pattern type set to Volumill and rest machining method is set to WIP.
101. CW-91965 CSR-10461 Simulation For the specific part model, when user attempts to run Simulation at full speed, an error message regarding inability to run simulation is displayed. However, if user reduces the Simulation speed to any speed less than 100%, then simulation runs successfully without any hitch.
102. CW-91918 CSR-10426 Toolpath For the specific part, the toolpath generated for a Contour Mill operation with bottom finish set to On and high-speed parameters gouges the part.
103. CW-90583 CSR-10243 UIF When multi-screen/ dual-screen setup, depending on the definition of which screen/monitor is assigned as the Main screen, CAMWorks For Solid Edge dialog boxes may or may not open at the last screen position. In some cases, the dialog boxes end up opening in a non-visible location leading to confusion.
104. CW-89986 CSR-10156 CSR-11158 Toolpath In Thread milling operation on a hole feature with multiple passes the leadin move is observed only on the first pass and not on other passes.
105. CW-89002 CW-85343 CSR-10028 CSR-10035 CSR-10923 CSR-9832 CSR-7483 Toolpath The NC code for VoluMill operations that were generated for Wrapped features on Mill-Turn part models output incorrect moves. Arc moves are posted as line moves.
106. CW-89001 CSR-10021 Simulation For the specific Mill part model with Multiaxis Mill toolpaths, error message is displayed when user attempts to run simulation.
107. CW-88983 CSR-9973 Operation In Mill mode, when 'Sort Operations' is done then, multiple Mill Part Setups with identical names are created.
108. CW-88685 CW-86727 CSR-10857 CSR-9836 CSR-8742 Simulation The display of the User Defined Drill tools in simulation is incorrect.
109. CW-88654 CSR-9895 Toolpath For the specific Mill part, the Contour Mill toolpath generated for an Open Profile feature (with Avoid Area defined along the feature boundary) gouges the part.
110. CW-88621 CSR-9833 Post For Mill-Turn part models, if the Contour Mill operations generated for its Counterbore holes are machined using Turn tools in the Front turret, then it is observed that Arc moves are posted incorrectly in the NC code.
111. CW-88576 CSR-9836 UIF For the specific Turn part, the display of the User Defined Turn inserts is incorrect in step through simulation.
112. CW-88542 CSR-9821 VoluMill For the specific Mill part model, a 2.5 Axis VoluMill toolpath has been generated for an irregular slot feature. It's observed that this toolpath gauges the part on the slot feature as it creates a wrong feed link in the air segment portion of the slot feature. No gouging by toolpath is observed when Rough Mill patterns other than VoluMill are used.
113. CW-88201 CSR-9279 CSR-10728 Operation The coolant type set in TechDB for a mill tool is not reflected in CAMWorks For Solid Edge if the same tool is used as part of an assembly tool.
114. CW-87702 CSR-9385 UIF In turn mode, when the chuck display is set to ON then, the display of the part during rotation is not smooth.
115. CW-87376 CSR-9072 Translation In Czech language version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the parameter "Depth>" is incorrectly translated in tap cutting and tap rolling menu of TechDB.
116. CW-87312 CSR-9031 Operation In Mill Assembly mode, if the fixture components are selected by window selection then, even the hidden components are added as fixtures.
117. CW-86727 CSR-8742 Simulation The profile of the User Defined Tool set for a drill operation in Turn mode is incorrectly displayed during simulation.
118. CW-86697 CSR-8647 CSR-11639 UIF Only integer values can be assigned as Feedrate values within CAMWorks For Solid Edge. Decimal values are not accepted.
119. CW-86265 CSR-8289 Feature If a hole group feature is simulated after reducing the number of holes within the hole group features, then each existing hole feature is drilled twice. This happens because the deleted hole features are added twice with the next hole in the hole group.
120. CW-86260 CSR-8316 Toolpath Cutter comp is not cancelled properly when the leadout for thread mill is set to Automatic. While using the Automatic Leadout option for Thread mill, the toolpath should include a linear feed move from the end of the arc leadout to the center of the hole for cut comp to be cancelled properly.
121. CW-86030 CSR-8224 Feature When defining a Mill part setup in assembly, the user is unable to select an assembly level plane from the Solid Edge feature manager.
122. CW-85898 CSR-8096 TechDB With custom TechDB, the corner radius value for a Flat End mill is considered while displaying the shape of the tool during simulation. This makes the display of the tool incorrect.
123. CW-85711 CSR-8027 TechDB In Mill operations if the Feeds and Speeds are defined by the tool then, the leadin feedrate is incorrectly set by the Z feedrate of the tool.
124. CW-85343 CSR-7483 Toolpath In Mill-Turn mode, when VoluMill toolpaths are generated for OD Wrap features, it is observed that the toolpaths contain arc moves. This is incorrect as Arc moves aren't supported for OD Wrap features when post processing. Consequently, posted NC code ends up generating linear moves to connect arc end points, thereby resulting in incorrect toolpaths.
125. CW-84528 CSR-7143 Toolpath For a Contour Mill toolpath generated for a closed feature with Contain area, if the CNC Compensation is changed to 'Off' and Toolpath Centre to 'Without Compensation', then it results in the toolpath not changing position as expected like the G code coordinate.
126. CW-84212 CSR-6946 Translation In Japanese language version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the strings for operation parameters are incorrectly translated.
127. CW-83769 CSR-6558 Simulation For the specific Mill part, the geometry of the Dovetail tool assigned to its Contour Mill operation is incorrectly displayed during simulation.
128. CW-81150 CW-74885 CSR-11580 CSR-6717 CSR-5350 CSR-5209 CSR-2768 Machine Simulation For specific Mill Assembly FILES, data associated with stock is not displayed when running standard Machine Simulation using CAMWorks Virtual Machine. This occurs as stock related data is not passed on to the CAMWorks Virtual Machine application.
129. CW-79706 CSR-4725 UIF The display of the Trigonal insert mounted on Front Turret is incorrect when it is accessed from tools tree. The same incorrect display is shown in CAMWorks Virtual Machine.
130. CW-77438 CSR-3772 TechDB When using customized TechDB, if the Generate Operation Plan command is executed for Threaded Hole features, inactive tap- cutting/ tap-rolling tools get assigned to the generated operations along with active ones. CAMWorks For Solid Edge doesn't filter out inactive tap tools before tool allocation.
131. CW-74918 CSR-2783 VoluMill For the specific Mill part model, the VoluMill toolpath fails to generate when the Feature Depth in Feature Options tab is overridden or when the Origin is set to below the feature in Z direction in Origin tab.
132. CW-74885 CSR-2768 CSR-5350 CSR-6717 Machine Simulation when standard APT machine simulation is run for a specific assembly, it is observed that stock related data is not passed on to CAMWorks Virtual Machine.
133. CW-70633 CSR-899 Toolpath The Volumill toolpath generated on a wrapped feature is incorrectly post processed as the circular moves are not split into linear moves. This results in erroneous machining of the feature.
134. CW-70268 CSR-663 Toolpath For the specific part, incorrect toolpath is generated for Rough Mill operation with pattern type set to Volumill when the step over percentage set between 9.99 and 10.01%.
135. CWR-1798 CSR-12904 Toolpath When the 3 axis toolpath generation method is set to "Advanced Method" then, the toolpath for Pencil Mill operation generates incorrect leadin/leadout move, when the holder avoidance option is enabled.
136. CWR-1790 CSR-12668 Toolpath For the specific Mill Part, no toolpath is generated for Pencil Mill operations with the holder avoidance option set to True.
137. CWR-1789 CSR-12669 Toolpath When the 3 Axis toolpath generation method is set to "Advanced" then, no toolpath is generated for the Area Clearance operation with Holder Avoidance set to True.
138. CWR-1781 CSR-12368 Toolpath For the specific Mill Part model, the Area Clearance Toolpath that peruses Mirror function fails to generate when the Toolpath Generation Method is set to 'Advanced'. An internal error message is displayed.
139. CWR-1772 CSR-12166 Toolpath When the 3 axis toolpath generation method is set to "Advanced Method" then, for the specific part the rapid moves of the Z Level operation gouge the part.
140. CWR-1771 CSR-12062 Toolpath When the 3 axis toolpath generation method is set to Advanced then, incorrect toolpath generated for Z-level operation with negative XY allowance.
141. CWR-1767 CSR-11883 Toolpath When the 3 axis toolpath generation method is set to Advanced then, for the specific Mill part, no toolpath is generated for Area Clearance operation if the depth parameter is set to Scallop and the option of hit flats is set to On.
142. CWR-1765 CSR-11886 Toolpath When the 3 axis toolpath generation method is set to Advanced then, for the specific Mill part, it is observed that the toolpath for Z level operation skips one of the Z level.
143. CWR-1764 CSR-11885 Toolpath When the 3 axis toolpath generation method is set to Advanced then, the toolpath of Area Clearance operation with "Adaptive Stepdown" and "Hit Flats" set to ON doesn't machine the flat areas in the feature.
144. CWR-1726 CSR-11512 Toolpath When the 3 Axis Toolpath Generation method is set to Advanced then, for the specific part an error is observed in the posted output of the toolpath of Area Clearance operation. The error is due to incorrect computation of arcs.
145. CWR-1724 CSR-11436 Toolpath When the 3 Axis Toolpath Generation method is set to Advanced then, for the specific part the toolpath for Z Level operation is not generated because of incorrect computation of avoid surfaces.
146. CWR-1693 CSR-7282 Toolpath When the 3 Axis toolpath generation method is set to "Advanced" then, for the specific part some of the passes are not generated for the Z level operation with depth method set to "Scallop".
147. CWR-1687 CSR-11111 Toolpath When the 3 Axis Toolpath Generation method is set to Advanced then, for the specific part the toolpath for Z Level operation with contain area defined using multiple closed loops is not generated.
148. CWR-1685 CSR-10955 Toolpath When the 3 Axis Toolpath Generation method is set to Advanced then, for the specific part the entry moves with entry type set to spiral for an area clearance operation are incorrect as the tool is made to cut the material in both directions.
149. CWR-1682 CSR-10980 Toolpath When the 3 Axis Toolpath Generation method is set to Advanced then, for the specific part, the toolpath for Z level operation results in feed move that violates ramp angle and results in tool breakage.
150. CWR-1675 CSR-10894 Toolpath When the 3 Axis Toolpath Generation method is set to Advanced then, for the specific Mill part uneven cut depth is observed for Z Level toolpath.
151. CWR-1674 CSR-10816 Toolpath When the 3 Axis Toolpath Generation method is set to Advanced then, for the specific Mill part high amount of time is taken to compute the toolpath for Z Level operation with Max Link distance set to 20mm.
152. CWR-1672 CSR-10785 Toolpath When the 3 Axis Toolpath Generation method is set to Advanced then, for the specific assembly, the Area Clearance Toolpath is not maintaining the user defined allowance.
153. CWR-1665 CSR-10506 Toolpath When the 3 Axis Toolpath Generation method is set to Advanced then, for the specific part the toolpath for Pattern Project operation with Mach Deviation set to 0.0001 us bit generated.

CAMWorks was first published as an add-in application for numerically controlled (NC) tool programming in SolidWorks in 1997. In June 2013, Geometric Software released a version of CAMWorks integrated with Solid Edge, the value priced CAD system from Siemens PLM Software. Although seven computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software products have achieved so-called Gold Partner integration with SolidWorks, CAMWorks is the first such software to be seamlessly embedded within Solid Edge.
CAMWorks for Solid Edge allows programmers to open a part file in native format and begin making a numerically controlled tool program immediately. There is no need to export software to another format and import it into an NC programming tool. When complete, tool paths and other CAM information are stored in the Solid Edge model.
Changes made to Solid Edge parts are immediately reflected in NC programs produced by CAMWorks. CAM systems that are not integrated with CAD require revised parts to be re-exported, and in most cases updates to geometry must be made interactively.
CAMWorks 2020 delivers many enhancements and improvements, most created in direct response to customer requests. This release supports Probing Cycles and focuses onhelping you program parts in a faster and easier way. It also introduces an Additive Manufacturing module that can used togenerate Build Tickets (3D data) required to print 3D print part models.
CAMWorks 2020- Probing How To Use
GeometricPLM by HCL Technologies a specialist in the domain of engineering solutions, services and technologies. Its portfolio of Global Engineering services, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, Embedded System solutions, and Digital Technology solutions enables companies to formulate, implement, and execute global engineering and manufacturing strategies aimed at achieving greater efficiencies in the product realization lifecycle.
On April 1st 2016, Geometric got into an agreement with HCL Technologies to transfer of its business to HCL Tech by way of demerger, except for its 58% share in the joint venture with Dassault Systèmes (3DS) (3DPLM Software Solutions Limited (3DPLM)). The transition has become effective on March 2nd 2017, after seeking all statutory approvals.
Product: CAMWorks
Version: 2020 SP1 (build 2020/0918)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC *
Software Prerequisites: *
Size: 1.2 Gb
Before installing CAMWorks 2020, ensure that the following system requirements are fulfilled:
Supported Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
The 64-bit version of:
- 64-bit version of Windows 10
- 64-bit version of Windows 8.1
- 64-bit version of Windows 7 (SP1 or higher)
Home editions of the above Operating Systems are not supported.
Supported CAD applications
CAMWorks For Solid Edge runs as an Add-in within Solid Edge. The following versions of CAD applications support CAMWorksForSolidEdge2020x64:
- 64-bit version of Solid Edge 2021 MP00 or higher
- 64-bit version of Solid Edge 2020 MP00 or higher
- 64-bit version of Solid Edge 2019 MP00 or higher
Hardware Requirements
RAM: 8 GB or more recommended
Video Card: Certified cards and drivers
Processor: Intel or AMD processors with SSE2 support. 64-bit operating system required.
USB port: User may choose to have CAMWorks license on a USB dongle (key). CAMWorks Hardware dongle (key)plugs into the USB port.
Network: Microsoft's Windows Networking and Active Directory network environments.
Install Media: Broadband Internet Connection
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