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System ToolsTenorshare iCareFone Multilingual

Tenorshare iCareFone  Multilingual

Tenorshare iCareFone Multilingual | 109.4 Mb

Tenorshare iCareFone (iPhone Care Pro) is a PC-based tool to tweak your iOS Devices to its top performance. This tool is further divided into 6 small tools specializing in fixing certain issues. You can fix all kinds of iPhone problems just on your Windows computer after downloading iCareFone (iPhone Care Pro).

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System ToolsHetman Partition Recovery 3.3 Unlimited / Commercial / Office / Home Multilingual

Hetman Partition Recovery 3.3 Unlimited / Commercial / Office / Home Multilingual
Windows x86/x64 | File size: 42.52 MB

Hetman Partition Recovery is designed to reliably recover information and fix all types of issues with healthy, damaged, corrupted, formatted and inaccessible hard drives.

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System ToolsHetman Partition Recovery 3.3 Multilingual

Hetman Partition Recovery 3.3 Multilingual
Languages: Multilingual | File size: 48.4 MB

Hetman Partition Recovery is designed to reliably recover information and fix all types of issues with healthy, damaged, corrupted, formatted and inaccessible hard drives.

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System ToolsComfy Partition Recovery 3.3 Multilingual

Comfy Partition Recovery 3.3 Multilingual
Languages: Multilingual | File size: 46.6 MB

The program will recover data deleted from normal and damaged logical partitions.

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System ToolsIsMyHdOK 2.66 Multilingual

IsMyHdOK 2.66 Multilingual
File size: 0.2 MB

IsMyHdOK is A small program but effective solutionl for a SSD, HDD, SD card, USB stick quick test.

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System ToolsHetman Photo Recovery 5.1 Unlimited / Commercial / Office / Home Multilingual

Hetman Photo Recovery 5.1 Unlimited / Commercial / Office / Home Multilingual
File size: 14.74 MB

Looking for a tool to recover deleted photos?

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System ToolsComfy Photo Recovery 5.1 Multilingual

Comfy Photo Recovery 5.1 Multilingual
Languages: Multilingual | File size: 20.1 MB

Recover digital images using the Comfy Photo Recovery program.

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System ToolsSidify Music Converter 2.1.5 Multilingual

Sidify Music Converter 2.1.5  Multilingual

Sidify Music Converter 2.1.5 Multilingual | 79.5 Mb

Spotify Music Converter is simply the best choice for those who wish to remove DRM from Spotify music. It allows to strip off the DRM from any Spotify song or playlist, and keeps original quality of the audio. After removing DRM, you can enjoy Spotify music on your iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP, MP3 player, etc.

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System ToolsComfy File Recovery 5.3 Multilingual

Comfy File Recovery 5.3 Multilingual
Languages: Multilingual | File size: 45.3 MB

Recover deleted files using Comfy File Recovery.

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System ToolsWise JetSearch Multlingual

Wise JetSearch Multlingual
File size: 4.7 MB

Wise JetSearch can help you search files or folders on all your local drives in just a few seconds.

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