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PortableLightPDF Editor Build 08/30/2024 Multilingual + Portable

LightPDF Editor Build 08/30/2024 Multilingual + Portable
Free Download LightPDF Editor Build 08/30/2024 Multilingual + Portable Fast Links | 132.1/112.3 Mb
Edit, convert, sign, annotate, protect, split/merge, compress, and manage PDFs, apply OCR, and do it all in just a few simple clicks.

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PortableDriverMax Pro Multilingual + Portable

DriverMax Pro Multilingual + Portable
Free Download DriverMax Pro Multilingual + Portable Fast Links | 13.2/38.4 Mb
DriverMax is a new tool that allows you to download the latest driver updates for your computer. No more searching for rare drivers on discs or on the web or inserting one installation CD after the other. Just create a free account, log in, and start downloading the updates that you need. You can also export all your current drivers (or just the ones that work ok) to a folder or a compressed file.

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PortableCapture One Pro / Enterprise Portable (x64)

Capture One Pro / Enterprise Portable (x64)
Free Download Capture One Pro / Enterprise (x64) Multilingual Portable Fast Links | 1.57 GB (in Total)
Capture One - powerful photo editing on desktop. Superior image quality and true-to-life colors thanks to tailored profiles for nearly 600 camera models and lenses. Lightning-fast tethered shooting and precise photo editing tools. An interface you can personalize for a faster workflow.

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PortableTopaz Video AI 5.3.1 + Portable

Topaz Video AI 5.3.1 + Portable
Free Download Topaz Video AI 5.3.1 + Portable Fast Links | 697/464 Mb
Stunning video enlargements with groundbreaking AI technology. Trained on thousands of videos and combining information from multiple input video frames, Topaz Video AI will enlarge and enhance your footage up to 8K resolution with true details and motion consistency. Using intelligent AI technology, Video Enhance AI is the most powerful video upscaling software ever released.

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PortableWondershare PDFelement Professional + Portable

Wondershare PDFelement Professional + Portable
Free Download Wondershare PDFelement Professional + Portable Fast Links | 191.8/141.3 Mb
The PDF Experience, Simplified. The easiest way to create, edit, convert and sign PDF documents. Get control over PDFs like never before. The most Powerful and Simple PDF solution that changes the way you work with your important documents forever.

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PortableFotoJet Photo Editor 1.2.4 + Portable

FotoJet Photo Editor 1.2.4 + Portable
Free Download FotoJet Photo Editor 1.2.4 + Portable Fast Links | 108 / 94 Mb
Need to add a blaze of color on your personal photos? You should try this powerful photo editor immediately, with which you can easily add watermarks, adjust brightness and contrast, resize a photo as wallpaper, or enhance a photo for printing and sharing. 50+ different effects and tons of resources can be applied to touch up your photos and make them look more fascinating.

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PortableFotoJet Designer 1.3.6 + Portable

FotoJet Designer 1.3.6 + Portable
Free Download FotoJet Designer 1.3.6 + Portable Fast Links | 264/257 MB
A powerful yet easy to use graphic design app. FotoJet Designer makes graphic design easier than ever. It gives you the ability to design like a Pro, with its 900+ templates, thousands of resources, and powerful editing tools. With no professional skill, anyone can create unique designs, such as social media graphics, cards, invitations, posters, flyers and banners, in a matter of seconds.

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PortableFotoJet Collage Maker 1.3.1 + Portable

FotoJet Collage Maker 1.3.1 + Portable
Free Download FotoJet Collage Maker 1.3.1 + Portable Fast Links | 143 / 137 Mb
Want to showcase treasured photos of a holiday, celebration, happy vacation, or favorite moment? With FotoJet Collage Maker, you can combine not only multiple photos into fantastic photo grids and collages, but also create impressive photo cards, posters, comics, fun photos and whatever you can imagine. By taking advantage of its 800+ grids & collage templates, thousands of resources and powerful editing tools, you will never be stuck for inspiration when creating unique masterpieces.

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PortableScooter Beyond Compare + Portable

Scooter Beyond Compare + Portable
Free Download Scooter Beyond Compare + Portable Fast Links | 26/17.7 Mb
Change is inevitable, so manage it with the best tools. Beyond Compare is the popular choice for data comparison. Compare folders, text files, images, and tables. Review differences efficiently and merge changes with confidence.

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PortableEarthView 7.9.15 Portable

EarthView 7.9.15 Portable
Free Download EarthView 7.9.15 Portable Fast Links | 129 Mb
EarthView is a dynamic desktop wallpaper and screen saver, which displays beautiful views of the earth with daylight and night shadows. It produces colorful, high quality, high resolution images for every screen resolution - even beyond 3840x2160.

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