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Graphics & DesignAutodesk Infraworks 2021.2.1

Autodesk Infraworks 2021.2.1
Autodesk Infraworks 2021.2.1 | 2.2 Gb
Languages: Deutsch, English (GB), English (US), Español, Français, Italiano,
日本語, Português, Русский, 中文

The Autodesk development team is pleased to announce the availability of InfraWorks 2021.2.1 is an outstanding tool for aggregating data, visually evaluating design concepts, and communicating design intent. This release includes new and updated features, performance enhancements, known issues and fixes.

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Graphics & DesignAltium NEXUS 4.1.1 (Hot Fix 1) Build 18

Altium NEXUS 4.1.1 (Hot Fix 1) Build 18
Altium NEXUS 4.1.1 (Hot Fix 1) Build 18 | 3.3 Gb
The Altium development team is pleased to announce the availability of Altium NEXUS 4.1.1 (Hot Fix 1) Build 18 - the most powerful, modern, easy-to-use release to date.

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Graphics & DesignAltium Designer 21.1.1 (Hot Fix 1) Build 26

Altium Designer 21.1.1 (Hot Fix 1) Build 26
Altium Designer 21.1.1 (Hot Fix 1) Build 26 | 2.6 Gb
The Altium development team is pleased to announce the availability of Altium Designer 21.1.1 (Hot Fix 1) Build 26 - the most powerful, modern, easy-to-use release to date.

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Graphics & DesignUnity Pro 2020 2.5f1 (x64)

Unity Pro 2020 2.5f1 (x64)
Languages: English | File Size: 5.47 GB (In Total)

Unity software or video games Unity3D design and manufacture a complete set, consisting of a powerful game ee and development environment programming and development.

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Graphics & DesignESSS Rocky DEM v4.4.2 (x64)

ESSS Rocky DEM v4.4.2 (x64)
File Size: 447.6 MB

ROCKY is an effective software for modeling granular media by the method of discrete elements (MDE or DEM - Discrete Element Method), allows you to quickly and as realistic as possible to model ix bulk material particles flow with the necessary properties in any process and apparatus.

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Graphics & DesignDashcam Viewer v3.6.5 Multilingual

Dashcam Viewer v3.6.5 Multilingual
Windows (x64) | Languages: Multilingual | File size: 126 MB

Dashcam Viewer is a software application for viewing movies, GPS data, and shock-sensor data recorded by your dashcam or action cam.

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Graphics & DesignBETA-CAE Systems 20.1.5

BETA-CAE Systems 20.1.5
BETA-CAE Systems 20.1.5 | 2.1 Gb
BETA CAE Systems announces the 20.1.5 release for ANSA/EPILYSIS/META and KOMVOS, hosting numerous fixes in recently detected issues.

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Graphics & DesignEasy Cut Studio 5.013 Multilingual

Easy Cut Studio 5.013 Multilingual
File size: 20.3 MB

The Prr Vinyl Cutting Software.

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Graphics & DesignNUMECA HEXPRESS / Hybrid 10.1 (x64)

NUMECA HEXPRESS / Hybrid 10.1 (x64)
File Size: 1.3 GB

The HEXPRESSTM / Hybrid program appeared on the market as a response to the need of European automotive companies for a fast and efficient mesher (grid builder), with which you can build computational grids for complex topologies in an extremely short .

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Graphics & DesignNUMECA FINE / Open 10.1 (x64)

NUMECA FINE / Open 10.1 (x64)
File Size: 3.2 GB

FINE/Open with OpenLabs is a powerful CFD Flow Integrated Environment dedicated to complex internal and external flows.

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